Two faces of Commons? Communal forms of government from below as counter-hegemonic alternatives

This paper attempts to analyze rising debates of commons highlighting contrasts between neoliberal’s views and new horizons on Communal forms from below as counter-hegemonic alternatives. If (new) neoliberal perspectives of Commons are trying to positioning ideas like ‘Common-pool recourses’, ‘public-private Partnerships’, ‘governance’, a way of thinking embodied by the so-called: Common without Community; in contrast, anti-hegemonic Communal thoughts based on Civilization Matrixes aims to develop popular creative capacities and resistances against neoliberal capitalism through Alternate-and-Native, alternatives pro-positions, ‘Care’ of communal property for ‘good-living-well’, in other words: a way of thinking and living personifying the Commons with Community. In this sense, struggles and debates surrounding the common open up perspectives of reflection on the transition and the construction of a new world that allows for the re-appropriation of socially produced work and wealth that has been systematically usurped by the dominant rationality.

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Two faces of Commons? Communal forms of government from below as counter-hegemonic alternatives
Ephemera. Theory & Politics in organization.
Tipo de Publicación
Revista Científica
José Francisco Puello-Socarrás & Carolina Jiménez

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Puello-Socarrás, J. F. y Jiménez Martín, C. (2020). “Two faces of Commons? Communal forms of government from below as counter-hegemonic alternatives”. Ephemera. Theory & Politics in organization. Vol. 20, No. 1. ISSN 1473-2866, pp. 17-50.

Ephemera. Theory & Politics in organization.
Two faces of Commons? Communal forms of government from below as counter-hegemonic alternatives
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